Delta 8 was founded by a biochemist with 15 years of product formulation experience after he witnessed the healing powers of hemp firsthand. Since then, Delta 8 has focused on cannabinoid research and bringing minor cannabinoids to market in an effort to create the purest, most effective, most consistent cannabis products available. At the time of Delta 8’s formation, the hemp industry simply took hemp extracts “as is” and exclusively focused on CBD, the major cannabinoid found in hemp. Our revolutionary vision of also focusing on minor cannabinoids paved the way for the industry as it exists today, where minor cannabinoids have surpassed the demand of CBD. Throughout its history Delta 8 Carts has repeatedly pushed boundaries, broken down barriers, and driven the cannabis industry to new heights. It started by being the first to offer CBN products and then followed by being the first to offer Delta 8 THC, CBC, CBT, blended cannabinoid products, and more. More importantly Delta 8 Carts has been able to maintain the highest purities in the entire cannabis industry when it comes to minor cannabinoids like ∆8 and has multiple patents pending for its production processes. But Delta 8 Carts Shop’s innovations are not just limited to products. It has also led the industry in testing standards and helped develop testing methods for the industry. The release of an HPLC method that will appear in an upcoming science journal, finally solves an enormous industry problem of labs being unable to properly separate and quantify cannabinoids in Delta 8 THC products to determine compliance. Delta 8 has also almost single handedly put cannabis into national mainstream acceptance. It started with 3CHI’s first CBN products. CBN was the first mildly psychoactive cannabinoid sold nationally in the USA. Shortly after when 3CHI became the first company to create and sell Delta 8 THC, it marked the first time a federally legal THC product was sold since cannabis prohibition almost 90 years ago. Delta 8 Carts has also taken a leading role in working with government leaders and agencies around the country to help educate and create sensible legislation surrounding Delta 8 THC and other minor cannabinoids. To this day we remain the leader in THC and minor cannabinoids and continue to push boundaries in the name of cannabis legalization and equality. Our unyielding commitment to producing quality, consistent, tested products continues to help cannabis achieve mainstream acceptance while providing a blueprint to others in the industry on how to do things correctly. OUR GOAL The cannabinoids found in hemp have a way of bringing equilibrium within the human body. Our goal is to deconstruct the cannabis plant, one cannabinoid at a time, so that we can test, analyze, and then reconstruct cannabinoid blends that are purer, more repeatable, and ultimately more beneficial than cannabis in its natural form. By doing this we hope to help as many people as possible become the happiest and healthiest versions of themselves by giving them access to highly consistent cannabis products that didn’t exist previously.